Biden's Exit and Aging Gracefully with Loren Richmond Jr. | Episode 193
🎧 A Discussion on Aging and Leadership
I’ve been doing a lot of topical podcasts about this weird political summer and this podcast is no different. When the news broke a week ago that President Biden was ending his campaign for a second term as President, I got a text from my colleague Loren Richmond Jr. about an idea for a podcast episode. After much back and forth we were able to record an interview that evening where we talked about the political implications of Biden dropping out, but we then switched to what Loren wanted to talk about- using the issue of what seems to be Biden’s cognitive decline and relating it his issues in talking with his father who is dealing with decline. This episode on a major political event was also a very personal issue for both of us as we experienced how parents can decline.
But we also talked about the issues of a pastor or church musician who stays in their position far too long.
I ended the podcast talking about Biden from a human standpoint. I think the President should not have run for a second term. I think he as well as his family were in denial of his problems and in many ways had to be pried from the Oval Office instead of leaving for the good of the country. I don’t think Biden was a hero for dropping out.
That said, I echo Loren’s words that we treat the old pastor and church musician with some care. We need to find ways to ease them off of the scene and do it in a way that allows them their dignity. While I don’t think Biden did the brave thing, he still served for over fifty years. He still served as President of this nation. We should honor him, not because he deserves it (he doesn’t), but because he is a child of God. We must pray for him and his family as they try to save whatever time he has left in our world.
So, I hope you will listen to the episode. Check it on iTunes, Spotify, or YouTube. For the show notes, please go here.