Church Camp can mean more to their life of faith than just a "camp high."
There is evidence out there that kids feel the impact of church camps long after the campfires go out. According to the Effective Camp Research Project, a survey of 1000 campers and 300 parents showed that while there is a temporary “camp high” there are positive long-term effects as well including the relevance of faith in everyday life and increased interest in spiritual practices like Bible Study and church attendance.
Today, I’m talking with Jared Rendell. Jared is the Director of Communication and Innovation at Sacred Playgrounds a kind of “think-tank” and research and development organization geared towards camp ministry. Jared is a communications and web consultant, a musician and also the host of the Sacred Playgrounds podcast.
The Lasting Impact of Christian Church Camp
The Boundless Power of Camps (Dakota and Minnesota Conferences UMC)
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