Church and Main
Church and Main
Episode 54: Yael Ossowski On What‘s So Bad About Facebook?

Episode 54: Yael Ossowski On What‘s So Bad About Facebook?

Remember around 2009 or 2010 when everyone seemed to love Facebook? As a pastor, I was told about all the wonderful virtues of social media, especially Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, was an icon. He visited then-President Obama at the White House. He got the Hollywood treatment with the movie “The Social Network.” Remember when there was speculation that he might run for President?

How things have changed. Zuckerberg and Facebook are now in the doghouse. Now people seem to blame the platform for everything, from genocide to the loss of civility to affecting the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election. Facebook is now likened to Big Tobacco with Democrats and Republicans looking to find some way to regulate the platform.

Today, I chat with Yael Ossowski, the deputy director of the Consumer Choice Center and the cohost of Consumer Choice Radio. We talk about how Facebook can be used for good, what critics get wrong, and what would happen to the internet if Section 230, the US law that governs most of the internet today were radically altered or removed.

Australia’s Attempted Blackmail of Facebook Shows the Pendulum Swings Back on Consumers

Facebook trustbusters motivated by partisan politics, not consumer protection

Facebook failures may be real, but the case for increased censorship is weak

How to bring back the old internet

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Church and Main
Church and Main
Church and Main is a podcast at the intersection of faith and modern life. Join Pastor Dennis Sanders as he shares the stories of faith interacting with the ever-changing world of the 21st century.